
The Author Ecosystems: Your Unique Path to Writing Success

Created by Writer MBA

Discover your unique author archetype and learn strategies to build a thriving, sustainable writing career tailored to your strengths.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Book order placed!
11 days ago – Mon, Feb 10, 2025 at 05:59:07 PM


We got the proofs today and they look fab! 

I just placed the order for the paperback books! I'm expecting them to be delivered to the warehouse at the beginning of March, and we'll hopefully be able to get them out by April. 

Thanks so much for hanging out with us during this campaign. Once more time, here's how to get your digital downloads. 

Please note: 


You must must must download them from your Backerkit survey. These emails don't come from us. You should have them in your Kickstarter email address. Look for a survey with this subject. 

Response Needed -- The Author Ecosystems: Your Unique Path to Writing Success

If you can't find, you can request a new one here. 

Please note: If you chose the HIDE MY EMAIL feature while backing the campaign, you will not get your survey. Please message us your email and we will get it sorted. 

Below, I'm going to tell you how to download your digital rewards.

STEP 1: Log into your email and find your survey confirmation. If you type in survey confirmation Backerkit Russell or survey confirmation, you should be able to find it.

STEP 2: Scroll down.

STEP 3: At the bottom, there is a unique link to get back to your survey. Click it.

STEP 4: That link will take you to your survey. Once you finish your survey you will be taken to your survey confirmation page.

If you have ALREADY filled out the survey, then you can use the same link to get to your digital rewards.

(FYI: If you need to change your address, you can do it at this stage.)

Once you get to that page, then click the link for digital rewards.

STEP 5: BOOM! There they are.

There you have it! 

Hopefully we'll have these in your hands soon! 


Surveys are out + downloading your digital books
17 days ago – Wed, Feb 05, 2025 at 07:22:10 AM


Surveys are out. Woot! You should be getting an email to your Kickstarter email address. 

We're hoping to get the proof on Monday, February 10th, and be able to place the order by the middle of the week. Then, we'll have it shipped to our fulfillment center, and it will be mostly out of our hands. 

Please note: 


You must must must download them from your Backerkit survey. These emails don't come from us. You should have them in your Kickstarter email address. Look for a survey with this subject. 

Response Needed -- The Author Ecosystems: Your Unique Path to Writing Success

If you can't find, you can request a new one here. 

Please note: If you chose the HIDE MY EMAIL feature while backing the campaign, you will not get your survey. Please message us your email and we will get it sorted. 

Below, I'm going to tell you how to download your digital rewards.

STEP 1: Log into your email and find your survey confirmation. If you type in survey confirmation Backerkit Russell or survey confirmation, you should be able to find it.

STEP 2: Scroll down.

STEP 3: At the bottom, there is a unique link to get back to your survey. Click it.

STEP 4: That link will take you to your survey. Once you finish your survey you will be taken to your survey confirmation page.

If you have ALREADY filled out the survey, then you can use the same link to get to your digital rewards.

(FYI: If you need to change your address, you can do it at this stage.)

Once you get to that page, then click the link for digital rewards.

STEP 5: BOOM! There they are.

There you have it! 

If you chose digital rewards, then your rewards are now fulfilled. Otherwise, we will be sending an update to physical books once we ship them. 


Smoke test is out! + Getting Your Digital Downloads
18 days ago – Mon, Feb 03, 2025 at 01:45:26 PM


While we're still waiting for the proofs to arrive, it looks like they have been packed up, so we've sent out the "smoke test", which is the last bit before sending the surveys. Assuming there are no major issues, we'll send the rest of the surveys on Wednesday, February 5th. 

Hopefully, we can approve the proof by then, and place the order. Please note: 


You must must must download them from your Backerkit survey. These emails don't come from us. You should have them in your Kickstarter email address. Look for a survey with this subject. 

Response Needed -- The Author Ecosystems: Your Unique Path to Writing Success

If you can't find, you can request a new one here. 

Below, I'm going to tell you how to download your digital rewards. I'll send it again once we send the surveys to everyone, and email you again. 

STEP 1: Log into your email and find your survey confirmation. If you type in survey confirmation Backerkit Russell or survey confirmation, you should be able to find it.

STEP 2: Scroll down.

STEP 3: At the bottom, there is a unique link to get back to your survey. Click it.

STEP 4: That link will take you to your survey. Once you finish your survey you will be taken to your survey confirmation page.

If you have ALREADY filled out the survey, then you can use the same link to get to your digital rewards.

(FYI: If you need to change your address, you can do it at this stage.)

Once you get to that page, then click the link for digital rewards.

STEP 5: BOOM! There they are.

There you have it! 

Once we send the surveys, we consider all digital rewards fulfilled. Our fulfillment center will be shipping out the paperbacks, so Monica and I have very little to do with this process once we send the surveys and the books ship from the printer. 


Thank you!!!!
21 days ago – Sat, Feb 01, 2025 at 05:49:11 AM


Thank you so much for backing this campaign. We are so excited to get this book out to you. The Author Ecosystems has been a passion project for both Monica and I for the last two years. So, watching so many people embrace it has been amazing for us. 

Some housekeeping. 

  1. Right now there are 21 people who have errored pledges, accounting for $316 of our raise. If this is you, then you have until Friday to fix your pledge before it is errored and cancelled. 
  2. I am an idiot. I thought that I ordered a proof already, but I hadn't, so I placed an order for proofs sent to both Monica and I, and we should get them around February 10th. After that, assuming there is no other issue, I will place the order to ship to our fulfillment center for processing. I still believe we will have it shipped to the facility this month. We'll let know you when that happens. 
  3. I am not an idiot. I have set up the Backerkit for this campaign. I'm waiting for the audiobook to process, and then we'll upload it to the rewards. Otherwise, this campaign is ready to send out once Backerkit approves it, which I expect them to do next week. 
  4. We're now 6 weeks out from our show. So, if you haven't picked up a ticket, then now is a good time.
  5. I have two revenge books (one featuring an angry, cybernetic, murder kitty) funding right now as well.

I expect the ebooks to be sent with the Backerkit survey by the middle of the month, which is when I expect to place the order for this book to be sent to our facility. Once that order is shipped, it's largely out of our control, as it depends on when they get delivered to our facility, and when they have time to ship them out. 

However, I expect our part to be handed off by the middle of the month, if not earlier. 

Thanks again!